Bhatti, Y., Basu, R., Barron, D., & Ventresca, M. 2018. Frugal Innovation: Models, Means, Methods. Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge website / Amazon website
In light of growing discourse on ‘frugal innovation’, this book offers novel approaches to innovation based on extensive empirical research. The study complements a decade of scholarly attention on ...
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On 12 August, 2013 at the 73rd annual conference meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, I along with pioneering researchers of frugal innovation co-organized and convened a full paper symposium, the first of its kind on this topic at the Academy, on “Frugal Innovation: Ways forward for concept, ...
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The following is a presentation to students of Radha Basu's Engineering for the Developing World class at Santa Clara University's Frugal Innovation Lab. The topic focused on showing how technology innovation alone is insufficient to overcome challenges in emerging markets and the role business models play in incorporating wider issues ...
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In the Schumpeter column of The Economist on 'Asian Innovation', 24 March, 2012, the Economist argues 'frugal ideas are spreading from East to West'. I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify and dispel some notions of frugal innovation as presented by the Economist articles.
Since the Economist’s seminal special report ...
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The following is an extraction of presentations I have made at international conferences and at Rethinking Business course for MBA students at Oxford University.
Frugal Innovation
Frugal Innovation -- When Doing is Less New by Yasser Bhatti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at Said ...
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